Debating History
Episode #103
Bill and Phil consider the contentious role of history in our current political environment, discuss whether the Ukraine war means the end of Francis Fukuyama’s end of history thesis, and explore some recent scholarship on the question of whether Trump supporters are capable of changing their minds
Links related to this week’s episode:
“Opinion: Rubio’s fake populism is no match for real history” by Sean Wilentz in The Washington Post
“How a Storied Phrase Became a Partisan Battleground” by Jazmine Ulloa in The New York Times
Francis Fukuyama’s “The End of History?” in The National Interest (1989)
“War at the end of history” by Adam Tooze in The New Statesman
“Francis Fukuyama Postpones the End of History” by Louis Menand in The New Yorker (from 2018)